What is Segue Center?
Students with learning differences, social challenges, anxiety issues, and attentional difficulties often persevere for years through elementary and secondary school programs to achieve that sought-after goal – a high school diploma. But then what?
Segue Center is the missing link between your high school graduation and the rest of your life.
We help students get ready for independent living and college/career success.
Segue Center @ Star Tutoring
Segue Center is opening a new Dallas location @ Star Tutoring! We are conveniently located off Highway 75 at Walnut Hill.
Segue clients can choose between the Addison and Dallas location.

Format and Scheduling
We run four 9-week terms per year starting in January, March, August and October.
Students can enroll in one or more a-la-carte modules each term that best meet their needs. Most modules meet once per week for about 3 hours.
Additionally, we offer getaways and trips for additional socialization and learning opportunities.
Who This is For
Our clients have completed high school but are typically not yet ready to live fully independently or realize their goals. They usually struggle with one or more of these:
Starting or completing tasks / maintaining focus
Losing or misplacing important items
Wasting time spent on organizing and reorganizing
Forgetting important tasks or appointments
Getting distracted and running out of time
Lacking social skills or social anxiety
Having deadlines approach from out of nowhere​
We also serve clients with a variety of special needs including learning differences, ADHD, anxiety, and autism spectrum disorder.
Exciting Modules for Fall 2022
Independent Living Focus
Project-based instruction to teach skills for independence, goal-setting and financial literacy
College Accountability
Study skills, mandatory grade checks, assignment planning, and a quiet work space for students enrolled in university or community college
Social Skills Board Games
Size-limited group focused on Executive Functioning Skills through structured activities and games
Get content support on any level of math, English, history, or science - even the hard courses!
Girls Group
A safe group to discuss healthy relationships, self-esteem and current topics (open to women and gender non-conforming individuals)
1:1 Consultations
Work 1:1 with our Center Director or other qualified staff to discuss personal issues and receive executive functioning coaching
Career Development Focus
Career research, interview practice, job skills, workplace troubleshooting and entrepreneurship. Internship and volunteer opportunities available.
Segue Socials
Group dinner (including prep, shop, cook and clean), movie and game nights designed to boost social skills and prepare for independent living
For more information, including pricing and registration, please visit the Segue Center or call (214) 444-3431.